Gage Christopher / C420 Midwinters / 1st Place U16

C420 Midwinters in Jensen Beach, FL was a very strong learning event for my crew and I. As it was our first major C420 event, we came in hoping to learn and gain from the experience. The first day was light wind. My crew and I being a light team, we were excited to produce some strong results. The next day, the wind was light at the start of the day, and raised to about 20 knots in the last race. We sailed very well jumping many places. As a small team we were not expecting to get any strong results on the last day of competition, as it was expected to blow about 25-30 knots, and it did. Although we tried our hardest, we still dropped places but learned more than we even thought. There was so much to take away from. From just exploring the level of the fleet across the country, to sailing in new conditions that we had never sailed in. Thank you so much to the foundation for all the support in this event. I could never have made it to this event without you guys and was very exited to place as the top U16 boat in the gold fleet.

Gage Christopher

Nicholas Mueller at Youth Worlds in the ILCA 6

Dear Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation,

Thank you for supporting my trip to Buzios, Brazil. The Youth World Championships

was an incredible regatta and I was very proud to be able to represent ABSF. The venue that we

sailed in had a range of conditions throughout the regatta. Unfortunately, the sails that we were

supposed to get 3 days before the regatta did not make it until the morning of the first day of

racing. Thankfully, I brought my own practice sail that I was able to use, however, I had to

share it with 3 other countries on the practice days. I had a rough start to the regatta, scoring a

BFD and a 32 on the first day in really light wind. On the second day I scored an 11 and a 22 in

about 10-12 knots. On day 3, it was really light again and I was able to pull an 8 and a 23 which

moved me up a lot in the overall standings. On day 4 and 5 it blew 25 knots and I was able to

score two 15s and a 17. Despite my rough start, I was able to rally back and finish in the top 20

out of a very good 50 boat fleet in very extreme conditions. Overall, I am very happy with my

performance and I couldn’t ask for a better way to close out my youth sailing career. This was

my favorite regatta that I ever sailed and I am going to cherish all the memories that I made here.

I am extremely thankful for all of the support that the ABSF gave me and for assisting me in

experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Joseph Hou received grant to attend Laser Nationals and Youth Champs


Dear Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation,

Thank you very much for the grant regarding Nationals and Youth Champs. It helps tremendously as I move forward into a more olympic campaign mindset. 

I also had a great regatta competing on home turf in Long Beach and against Canadian olympians. I learned a lot from the two girls and I am hoping to apply what I have learned for regattas to come.


Joseph Ho

Roxy and Charley Snyder win the Sportsmanship Award!

My sister and I want to thank you so much for your help and financial support to give us the opportunity to travel to North Carolina and compete in Youth Champs. At this regatta we ran into a big issue. On the practice day (day before the regatta) it was blowing about 20 knots with big swells. When coming in we capsized, and while riding the boat up our mast snapped. The reason for snapping our mast is still undetermined. Due to breaking our mast my sister and I were unable to sail the first day but were able to find a mast and compete the rest of the week against the top youth 29er sailors in the U.S. With a day of racing taken from us, we were left with results that showed hard work through only 6/10 races. Voted by the coaches, judges, and sailors we were award the sportsmanship award.  


Roxy and Charley Snyder 

Travel Grant given to CSULB Sailing Team to attend PCCSC in Hawaii

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Dear Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation,

The CSULB Sailing Team would like to extend out sincerest thanks for your generous grant in support of us competing at the Pacific Coast Colligate Sailing conferences Spring Co-Ed Championships. As you know we are a student run and student funded team. With the event hosted in Hawaii, it was a significant cost burden on us to be able to afford to go. Your support allowed us to worry more about our sailing rather than how we were going to afford traveling to Hawaii.

Every single one of us can attest that being a member of the Sailing Team has provided us with our best and most fun times in college. The Alamitos Bay Sailing foundation allowed us to make those unforgettable memories that will be with us for the rest of our lives. we are extremely grateful for the support received. 

Thank you again!

CSULB Sailing Team


Junior finance major Nicholas Santos works on the bow of the Catalina 37 during the LA Harbor Cup Regatta at the Los Angeles Yacht Club in the port of LA on Saturday.Courtesy of Mark Ryan

Junior finance major Nicholas Santos works on the bow of the Catalina 37 during the LA Harbor Cup Regatta at the Los Angeles Yacht Club in the port of LA on Saturday.

Courtesy of Mark Ryan